Each of us wants his house was cozy, comfortable, unique, and always, wherever who have not been away from home from family members, he knew that he was waiting at home, always listen and understand will help in difficult times. This is why families should be a tradition that children should learn from and move into their future families. Traditions of thrift, the emergence of energy saving skills in children, we will discuss in this article.

Psychologists say how the child will later relate to yourself, others and life in General – is entirely dependent on the parents. Life may seem to him an endless holiday or exciting trip, and it may seem like a boring, thankless, and hard work, when visiting the school. The child perceives the world through the eyes of adults – the parents.
There are external factors that affect family traditions. Modern standard of living and progress dictate the rules, and there's nothing special that a three – to four-year-old easily cope with the intricacies of the computer turning on and off lighting in rooms. With the inclusion of a TV and watching children's programs. He also opens and closes the valves with water, know where the hot water where cold. Gently touches the radiators and knows that the heating works when it's cold outside, and not work when warm.
After 5 – 7 years old already interested in the questions: where does the gas and as it comes in?; why is it necessary to fill the car with fuel and where does it come from?; why is a power (at the time of viewing of children's programs), and water (when a child taking a bath) and from whom does it depend?; why you need to leave the city and breathe clean air and play in the yard with your friends?
All these problems are somehow related to energy conservation, the environment, relevant in our time and concerned adults. Could be interested in saving young children 5 – 10 years of age? If they consciously contribute to its solution?
Respond immediately – can, if in the interest of adult family members. There are a number of children's educational programs in the field of energy efficiency and environment in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine for pre-school and school educational institutions. However, it is necessary to say that such programs are not mandatory for learning and training is conducted on a voluntary basis. But the day is near when they passed the relevant governmental regulations and issues of energy saving, energy saving for children will be as clear as the rules of conduct, history of his native land, geography, etc.
The child quickly mastered these concepts in kindergarten, in elementary school, he needed help to do it in the family. After 5 years, the child begins to perceive the world in a playful way. He really likes games and especially if he was playing his favorite people: dad, mom, brother, sister, grandparents.
I was myself the witness of a good pedagogical approach to economical water consumption in the young family. Mother taught her 4-year-old son alone to brush your teeth in the morning and evening. When question on family Council was about saving water, with the aim of reducing payment for its consumption, mother organized a game with my son, who will save water while brushing your teeth. Showed son immensely, and he was convinced that the drum counter is spinning when you open the faucet. Explained how to save water while brushing your teeth (I hope you know how) and offered a reward for who will save more.
Game boy liked it so much that the arrival of his 3-year-old little cousin (we overheard their conversation), at a time when they were together in the bathroom and was brushing my teeth alternately, a senior taught Junior to open the tap only to rinse the toothbrush and absorption of water for rinsing the mouth in the mug. Ended the conversation kids the phrase, ' tomorrow with my mom view the water meter and will receive a prize!
Another example. Dad to his five-year-old son proposed a game – good things. The list of good deeds that could make a boy, was much: help mom clean up toys after themselves and younger sister, to bring and submit to the Pope a tool in the performance last any repairs, etc. At the end of each day, the family Council recorded all the good deeds performed by the son and stamped on scores. Dad invited the boy over to the list of good deeds include saving energy, showed the scoreboard electric meter with numbers and explained what needs to be done to the amount was less.
At this age, children know the numbers and can distinguish a larger number from a smaller. For this kind of business offered a special prize. A week later, 5-year-old kid clearly learned, if there is no one in the nursery, the light should be turned off if you come out of the bathroom, the light should be off if no one is watching TV, it needs to shut down. He did it himself, or resembled the adult. It came to the point that sometimes parents, to their detriment, refused to watch TV, understanding the importance of skills acquired by their child.
These examples show that family problems to reduce utility payments for the consumed energy can be solved with the help of the children, while the child develop the right skills, careful attitude to the resources for which the family pays money. This is the energy saving in childhood. And, very important, these concepts and skills are transformed into rules of behavior for saving energy in the home, their children learn from those closest to you, and after talking with them for a longer time.
In conclusion, take a few tips that you can use to save energy with your children.
The simple rules of a good host (good deeds):
- Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth or use a glass for rinsing the mouth.
- Wash your dishes not under running water in the sink, closing the orifice tube.
- But don't forget to turn off the water!
By following these simple guidelines will allow for a year to save a lake with a diameter of 200 meters and a depth of 2 meters. In addition, you save the chemicals used for water purification, and energy used for water heating and pumping.
What can you do to lamp will not Shine in vain?
The average consumption of electricity for lighting of the apartment is approximately 1 kW. hours per day(if you're using incandescent bulbs). But this expense can be reduced if you replace incandescent, fluorescent. 60 W filament lamp complies with 18 W fluorescent lamp at the same illumination level. The lifetime of fluorescent lamps in 6 – 8 higher than that of incandescent lamps.
Periodically wipe off well rubbed light bulb shines for 10 — 15% brighter dirty, dusty.
How to help the refrigerator?
Best place for refrigerator in the kitchen is the coolest place. When the outside temperature is 20 degrees, the refrigerator consumes 6% less energy. Do not place the refrigerator near a radiator or other heating devices. Extremely negatively on the work of a refrigerator affects a large “coat” in the freezer. So, not too lazy once again to thaw. From this it will be more economical.
How to economically use electric stove?
On one of kitchen utensils can save hundreds of kilowatt hours of energy. It is sufficient that the pot slightly off the burner of the stove and tightly to her. Pans with convex or concave bottom, and a pan with a dirty bottom and a layer of scum wasting 50% of electricity, and at the same time about the same time.
Count how many times a day boil water with a kettle? How much of hot water use?
Certainly, glass of 2 – 3, and the remaining water cools in the kettle itself. What if this water to take and pour into a thermos? Then you won't have to waste time boiling every time you want to drink tea, and even save energy.
How do you iron linen?
To save electricity even while Ironing. For this it is necessary to remember that too dry and too wet linen have to be ironed longer, and hence more energy consumption. Another “trifle”: the iron can be turned off for a few minutes before the end of the work; this time will be enough residual heat.
Now the cold season. We go on a warm apartment. But sometimes in the winter we complain of cold in our apartments and blame in organizations, which provides us heat and energy. All we have done to keep our homes precious heat?
How can we keep warm in our homes?
- In the fall to insulate in the house all the Windows, balconies and doors.
- Don't forget to close the doors in the entrance.
- Don't keep the window constantly open.
- At night, close curtains to keep heat additionally.
- The apartment properly arrange the furniture: leave battery sofa and table, so that the heat passes freely into your apartment.
Due to these simple measures you can reduce the cost of heating the apartment is approximately 5-10%.
You can be sure that the energy saving for children is parental investment in the future of their generation.