Let's start with a well-known fact that energy is the basis of life on earth. Energy has always played a vital role in a person's life, because any of his actions are associated with the expenditure of energy. Any person, any family, any community cannot do without energy consumption. For a long time, man has been looking for new ways of converting energy for his needs and the technical progress that he has made over the past two centuries has transformed his life beyond recognition.
Having traveled such a historical path and achieved such results,why do you need to save energy? It may not be entirely clear to an ordinary person. In our minds there is an opinion - if there are funds and energy consumption is paid, then why save?
The energy crisis of the 70s of the last century in oil exporting countries reduced the volume of oil production. The realities of the energy crisis: cold houses, paralysis of some of the industry and transport, rising prices, cards for petroleum products. The fuel crisis has spurred the development and implementation of energy-saving technologies on a large scale. Energy-saving equipment and technologies, in turn, contributed to the successful solution of environmental problems.
Today, in order to overcome the economic crisis, more capital investments are required for the extraction of hydrocarbon fuels, which affects the constant growth of prices for fuel and electricity. No matter how difficult economic transformations are, the implementation of certain energy saving programs on a national scale, this will certainly affect an individual. And in order to be ready to protect ourselves and create comfortable conditions for living in our home, we must deal with saving energy.
Motivating factors that motivate us to move towards energy saving:
- reducing the impact on the environment;
- increasing the comfort of housing;
- saving money;
- the amount of energy resources that remains for children;
- search and development of alternative energy sources.
Environmental pollution.
We save energy, reduce the impact on the environment.
The possibilities for transforming and using energy have transformed and improved the human condition beyond recognition. However, with new opportunities, we have new problems. Over the past 100 years, humanity has increased its energy consumption by several thousand times, and a significant part of the fossil fuel accumulated in the earth over millions of years has been consumed.
Simultaneously with the increase in energy consumption, the environment is irreversibly polluted and the influence of the "greenhouse effect" increases, which causes irreversible consequences on the earth. This is evidenced by the increased frequency of floods, storms, tsunamis, earthquakes and droughts. Compared to the 18th century, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere have doubled.
If we admit that global warming is a reality, then we must change our attitude to the problem of consumption of primary energy resources, and therefore engage in real energy saving and maximum use of alternative energy sources, then it is necessaryto save energy. . .
Global warming is directly related to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the fastest and cheapest way to reduce it is to improve energy efficiency in energy use. You don't need to be an expert to understand that most of the energy saving potential lies in our homes, residential buildings and structures.
Saving energy at home.

To create comfort and a healthy indoor microclimate, we replenish the household appliances park. It is already estimated that up to 30% of the energy per capita is spent in the household. Almost every family has a refrigerator, TV, washing machine. More and more often computers, dishwashers, food processors, electric kettles and other appliances appear in our apartments.
Therefore, affordable ways to save energy in everyday life have been developed. This, the use of new thermal insulation materials for the insulation of walls, windows, doors, allows you to increase the temperature in the room by 2 - 3 degrees. C, without additional waste of heat. Installation of automation and regulation systems in hot and cold water supply and heating systems can reduce costs by up to 30%. Replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent ones and installing household electrical appliances of the class (A, A +, A ++), reduces power consumption by 20% - 25%. To increase the comfort in your home, you need to save energy.
We save energy, we save money.
Each family forms its own budget, its income and expenditure side. Utility bills play an important part in the expenditure side of the family budget. The constant rise in energy tariffs and utility bills is causing alarm and concern in every family. Particular concern about this occurs in low-income families.
Depending on the family's income, today the payment for consumed energy ranges from 15% to 45%. The forecasts are not encouraging; gas and electricity prices will continue to rise. Heat and electricity costs in our homes can be cut in half. Typically, the effort and money spent on energy savings in a household not only improves comfort and healthier indoor conditions, but also quickly pays for itself and benefits the family budget.
So, taking into account the prices of refrigerators and most other household appliances on the market, it turns out that buying the most energy efficient appliances does not require additional costs.
To save money, you needto save energy. . .
We save energy, we leave more energy resources for children.
As you live your life, try to leave more to your descendants than you got. This statement can be fully attributed to hydrocarbons: oil, gas, coal. The consumption of these primary energy sources, the reserves of which are not replenished, have grown very rapidly over the past two centuries and there is a risk of leaving less to our children than we got. There is only one way to reduce the consumption of hydrocarbons - energy conservation and alternative energy.
Modern technologies, electronic systems for measuring and monitoring energy consumption, allow you to optimize costs and move on to the formation of a "smart home". The concept of "smart home" is built-in information systems that can be installed in the house and with their help to control household electrical appliances. The control system itself chooses the moment of time suitable for energy consumption. It is enough to set up the control panel to leave the machinery and equipment running. Then the control system will turn it on in the most favorable period, when the payment for electricity is lower (here we are talking about the difference in the price for electricity at a two-rate tariff).
Houses under construction can use renewable energy: from a wind power plant, solar panels, etc. The European Parliament adopted a resolution according to which all new buildings, starting from 2019, must have a zero energy balance. This means that all buildings under construction will produce from renewable sources as much energy as they consume. The hour is not far off when the same resolutions will be adopted throughout the post-Soviet space.
By implementing in practice measures to save energy, including in everyday life, we strive to conserve our resources, thereby preserving them for our children.
We save energy, use alternative energy sources.

And yet, why do you need to save energy - to gain time for the search and development of new energy sources - renewable, environmentally friendly and safe (wind, sun, biogas, biomass, heat of the earth, etc. ). Alternative energy sources are inexhaustible. The purpose of the search for alternative energy sources is the need to obtain it from renewable or practically inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. That is, if such a stage in the development of mankind comes when all exhaustible sources - oil, gas, coal, disappear, then it will be able to use these sources if it stocks up at least the necessary technologies.
So it is necessaryto save energy.Saving energy is not only saving money and creating the necessary comfort, but also taking care of children and our planet. Each of us is a part of the planet and any action or inaction can affect the development of events.